Recession is a nasty word whether we are talking about our income or our teeth.
Did you know that dentists see recession on a daily basis? It’s the kind that causes your gums to recede and expose the roots of your teeth, causing pain in your mouth and eventually in your wallet.
As with any recession the sooner it is recognized and treated the more likely that invasive and expensive treatment can be averted.
For example, did you know that tooth decay is not always painful right away? By the time you notice a small brown spot on the surface of a tooth, the bacteria causing decay may already have eaten their way through the hard outer shell of enamel and into the softer dentin that surrounds the pulp chamber.
At this stage the tooth may be hot or cold sensitive. This softer inner layer protects the nerve but once the decay reaches the pulp chamber the tooth will be very painful because bacteria are attacking the nerve.
If ignored, the tooth will die and the pain may subside, however, untreated cavities can lead to a severe dental abscess due to bacteria entering the pulp chamber and working their way to the root tip, where they infects the surrounding bone. The tooth now needs a root canal and a crown to restore it, or an extraction to remove it.
So skipping your check-up and hygiene appointment may seem to be saving you money at the moment but in the long run it could be a very expensive decision.
Be pro-active in handling recession. Don’t wait for a pain in your mouth to prompt a visit to your dentist.
Modern dentistry has all the tools needed to identify decay at an early stage. A regular dental check-up and professional cleaning is money well spent ― potentially saving you hundreds of dollars ― by identifying small problems and treating them before they can progress to the point of pain and expense.
Early prevention of dental problems is always our first choice. If you would like to know more about preventive options available to you please talk to our friendly dentists and staff.