Root canal treatment is routinely performed successfully by dentists across Canada. A dentist who has taken advanced training in endodontic therapy is called an endodontist and may be recommended by your dentist for more complex cases. Root canal treatment remains, for many patients, the only viable option to retain a tooth that has suffered severe damage or has become infected.
Root canal treatment is the process of removing infected or injured tissue (pulp) from inside the crown and roots of a tooth. Once cleaned, the canal is disinfected, shaped, filled and sealed with natural rubber-like material called gutta percha. The opening of the tooth is then sealed with either a temporary or permanent filling to prevent future infection. Considerable advancements in diagnosis, radiographic imaging, equipment and techniques now permit dentists and endodontists to complete root canal treatment, even for teeth with very complex anatomies, to the highest level of precision.
Taking proper care of your teeth and gums is a lifelong commitment. The best way to prevent the need for root canal treatment is to follow a good oral hygiene routine by brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and to visit your dentist regularly.
Dr. Sinkovics is an associate at Pender Harbour Dental who has continued his extensive training by taking courses on Root Canal Therapy and has a passion for performing them for our patients. Call our office if you suspect you need endodontic therapy.